Italian 2.71828 1828459 **************************************************** Ai modesti o vanitosi ai violenti o timorosi do cantando gaio ritmo logaritmo. B - A, p. 128 = Translation: To the modests or proud, to the violent people or fearful I give, singing a happy rithm, a logaritm. This is based on the following translations: modesti (who is not proud of himself) : modests vanitosi (proud of themselves) : proud violenti (who uses violence) : violents timorosi (full of fears) : fearful do : I give cantando : singing gaio (the same as "allegro") : happy ritmo (here it seems to refer to the rithm used in saying (recitando) a poetry) logaritmo: OK, this is clear. From: Maurizio Paolini Italian ? Several Italian verses for e will be found on page 755 of Ghersi. Gardner I, p. 98 Editor's Note: See Bibliography: Ghersi